Promotional Trailer

The Balance in Between is a durational dance work directed by Michelle Kranicke. I created an immersive video installation for the work with live large-scale projection-mapping, as well as a multi-channel installation in the front windows that thematically and visually set up the piece as the audience entered and exited. 

This piece was named one of the 7 best Chicago dance performances of the year by the Windy City Times.


Entrance Installation

I set up a video installation to be viewed from the street or as audiences entered the main hall. 

A small, porthole-like projection on the side wall showed a slow procession through abandoned oil derrigs near the salt flats in Utah. Oversized images of feet walking through encrusted salt illuminated the floor. 


Video loops in the entranceway installation. 

Main Hall Installation

I projected onto a large, curved wall with moody images of rising digital mist, and lush, layered pink sweeps of pink of taffeta. 

Video clips showing excerpts of the Balance in Between. Video documentation by Nadia Oussenko.